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New Clients

New clients can contact me by phone, email or by filling out the contact form found here.  We will set up a meet and greet appointment and I can answer any questions that you have. If you would like to schedule a pet sitting or dog walking service, service contracts can be found here.  You can print it out and have it ready for the meet and greet, or I can bring a copy to the meet and greet if you prefer.  At the meet and greet appointment we will go over details for your requested service and I will have a chance to introduce myself to you and your pets.  You will be signing a service contract along with a key handling contract and a veterinary/emergency release form.  You must be able to provide up to date proof of vaccinations for your pets in order to book a service.  Two working keys will be provided by the client for access to the home for future services.  See our key handling policy here.  Services can be scheduled for any time after the meet and greet appointment.


Emergency Contacts/Veterinary Care

In case of emergency, every effort will be made to contact the client so that they are made aware of the situation.  If the client will be out of cell phone range during their service period it is recommended that they leave a list of trusted emergency contacts as an alternative.  Any and all veterinary costs incurred during a service will be the client's responsibility.  It is recommended that you leave your payment information on file with your veterinary office in order to ensure prompt service in case of an emergency.  If the client's preferred vet is not available for an emergency, your pet will be taken to an available veterinarian for treatment.  


Vaccine Requirements

My job entails interacting with lots of different animals from different families and for their safety as well as my own I require all animals in my care to be up to date on whatever vaccines their veterinarian recommends.  For dogs it will generally be Rabies, Da2pp, and Bordetella.  For cats it will generally be Rabies and RCP.  Proof of vaccinations must be submitted before scheduling a service.  


Key Handling/Home Security Policy

Two working keys will be provided by the client for access to the client's home during service.  Keys will not be labeled with your name or address for security purposes.  One of the keys will be kept in a secure location as a back up in the event that a key is misplaced during the service.  Clients should also provide any garage door codes or alarm codes if necessary to enter the home.  This information will be kept confidential and not shared with anyone else.  Keys will be returned upon request, or kept in a secure location for future services.  Keys will not be left behind at a property at the end of a service.  If lock out services need to be used during a visit, the client will be responsible for all associated costs.


Payment Policy

Payment for pet sitting services is due in full by the beginning of the scheduled service.  Payment for a recurring walking service can be billed weekly and must be paid in full by the beginning of the service period.  No service will be rendered without payment.


Pet Sitting Service

Pet sitting visits are scheduled in 30 minute increments.  The time allotted for each visit will be determined by how long it takes to complete the required tasks for the visit.  This may vary depending on how many animals are in the household and the level of care they require.  I will do my best to accommodate requests for a specific visit time as visits are guaranteed to happen within a specific time window (morning, afternoon, evening).  See scheduling windows here.  I do reserve the right to adjust a visit time in order to accommodate the needs of all the animals in my care, but will keep the visit within a scheduled time window. A minimum of two visits per day are required for dogs with the exception of the first/last day of the stay.  A minimum of one visit per day is required for cats.  A completed client service contract is required before scheduling a service.  Your service reservation will be confirmed 24 hours before it begins.


The client is responsible for providing all items necessary for the care of their pets for the duration of their service.  This is including, but not limited to:  food, toys, treats, medications, bowls, collars, harnesses, leashes, crates, bedding, potty pads, cat litter, and cleaning supplies.  All food, medications and cleaning supplies must be stored securely away from the pets in the house, and must be accessible to the pet sitter.  The client will be responsible for any cost incurred due to running out of food or other necessary supplies during the stay.  Any additional costs incurred will be billed at the end of the stay.  The client must disclose if they expect to have any other people in or around their property during scheduled visits.  Unexpected visitors will be treated as trespassers.


Dog Walking Service

Walks are scheduled in 30 minute increments.  Walks can be scheduled during time windows (morning, afternoon, or evening).  Specific times for walks can be scheduled, but I reserve the right to adjust the schedule of the walk according to the needs of all the pets under my care, keeping the service within the scheduled time window.  See scheduling windows here.  Dogs will remain leashed for the duration of the walk in accordance with local leash laws.  Walks will take place in the client's neighborhood at the dog's pace.  Pet sitter reserves the right to cancel a walking service in the case of dangerously high temperatures or inclement weather.  Services cancelled for these reasons will be credited to client's account.  Clients are required to disclose any temperament issues that they are aware of before services will be rendered.  Pet sitter reserves the right to refuse service for any dog that can not be walked safely.


Cancellation Policy

Cancellations may be made up to 24 hours before the first scheduled visit of a pet sitting service with no cancellation fee.  Pet sitting services cancelled less than 24 hours before the first scheduled visit will be charged in full for the entirety of the scheduled service.  Cancellations of dog walking services may be made up to one hour before the scheduled walk with no cancellation fee.  Cancellations of a dog walking service within an hour of the scheduled service will be charged for the service.



Key Handling Policy
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